Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ono: Capcom execs DO NOT approve SSFIV Arcade Edition DLC

Over the weekend SSFIV Executive Producer Yoshinori Ono tweeted that Capcom execs did not approve his proposal to bring the changes and characters in SSFIV Arcade Edition.  He later tweeted that he is not giving up and that he is also pushing to remake Darkstalkers, the mid nineties horror themed fighter that popularized many of Capcom's modern fighting game mechanics.

Don't give up Yun and Yang lovers, something tells me we'll get our fix of these too-cool-for-school twins

here are the tweets from sunday:

ThxSo,I got aproval from my boss asInafune-san.But I cant take it from Highupstairs ;(RT @Medikor83:Good luck on getting ur bosses to OK dlc
SRY. I dont. I dont give up it ;D RT @a_khanv:When will you find out if AE DLC is approved by the higher ups?

No diggity! But I'm not giving up yet for AE's DLC and make new DarkStalkers!! RT @FarParade: Higher upstairs at Capcom are foolish!

Plz hold on just a bit. I pursue negotiations with Upstairs. ;) RT @kazuki20:do we have any news on the ae of SSF4 coming to home consoles?
Thx! But Upstairs think that DS doesnt popular.So sad. RT @KlausRaynor:I'll do anything for a new DS.I'llpay any price!plz make it happenOno

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Magneto, Modok, Sir Arthur, and Spencer Confirmed for MVC3 at comicon

Its been a really busy few days in the street fighter world.  This morning four new characters for MvC3 were announced.  Series favorite, Magneto is back, and stronger than ever, in addition to Modok, Sir Arthur, and Spencer.  you can see all of the new characters' gameplay after the jump

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Capcom Arcade Brings Free Street Fighter II to the iPhone

For those of you looking to get your fight on the go, Capcom has just announced another option for you.  Capcom Arcade coming in early November will feature fully emulated arcade classics such as Ghouls and Ghosts, 1942, Commando, and of course Street Fighter II.  The games will use similar control schemes as those found in the Street Fighter IV iPhone app.  Each day you will be given a set of tokens to play for free, if you want to keep playing for the day you can by more tokens, or buy the virtual cabinet to play unlimted.  I'm very excited to see fully emulated Arcade classics, its a step in the right direction for the future of iPhone ports. What do you guys think?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ono teases first pic of 3rd Strike Online Edition

SSFIV executive producer Yoshinori Ono tweeted the first shot of Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition running on a PS3.

"Today, I had played something! It's non-stress match-up ! So, I'm looking foward to it!! Eveyone Plz wait soon."

For those of you unfamiliar with Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike this video may explain why there is so much excitement for this game

Monday, October 4, 2010

WTF is a Combo Video anyway

As some of you may have seen in my previous posts, the combo systems in Capcom fighting games tend to have a myriad of possibilities.  Though once you understand the core principles behind how fighting games work it becomes much easier to explore these engines.  The two main elements of fighting games are hitboxes, or the areas on screen in which the character can cause and take damage, and frames, the amount of time it takes certain moves to start up and finish animating.  If you know how many frames a move takes to start up and finish you can then figure the optimum ways in which to link multiple moves together.
Hit boxes as seen in Super Street Fighter II Turbo: HD Remix

Friday, October 1, 2010

Super Street Fighter IV Nintendo 3DS Trailer

This trailer was just posted to Capcom-Unity's youtube page and it explains some of the new features that SSFIV3D will have. Are you guys as hype as i am about this? This could be the first fighting game worth playing on a handheld!